Nature, organic forms, life and decay, otherworldly, blurring of boundaries. Many concepts can pop in your head when you let your mind wander on the words wild & wonderful and their seemingly contradictory nature. But what is your take?

Curating the Young is a youth collective that creates a platform for young artists. In the process, we take our first steps as curators and leave our mark on the cultural landscape. For our first exhibition of the year we’re teaming up with the new Mutation Festival in Ghent. Mutation mixes the tech, art and maker scene to create mutations within our social structure. From the 22nd till the 24th November several organizations, artists, and makers will shape the festival together as a basis for shared (r)evolution and tangible innovation. The festival takes place in different locations in Ghent, but Curating The Young has the opportunity to contribute to the festival in the impressive space of the Wintercircus. Do you want to be a part of this crossover between art and technology?

Curating the Young is looking for artists who prioritize interaction, connection, and participation in their artistic process, and ideally can give their personal interpretation on the themes of mutation and wild & wonderful. We’re open to various points of view and different opinions. 

What are we looking for?

We are looking for young artists between the ages of 18 and 30 years old, who want to showcase their art on the 22nd and 23rd of November in the Wintercircus in Ghent. We share the space with other organizations, artists and makers so an openness to cooperation and collaboration is recommended. Especially within the concept of the Curating The Young we want to find ways where you can work together and maybe adapt (or mutate) your work to co-exist in the same space. To make this happen, we ask you to be present on the days of the festival for connecting, interacting and networking. We would also like you to be available for the build-up of the expo (21st of November) and also make time to meet up with other artists and our team in the month of November. 

All forms of art are welcome, from visual arts to performance or installation. We don't adhere to categorization; we are open to new forms of art. No restrictions here. 

You get the opportunity to participate in an innovative festival in a unique location where you can work together with other artists, share ideas and broaden your network. Curating The Young offers you the chance to work together with a group of young and eager curators who will guide you along the way with all things communication, scenography, public mediation etc. 

We will also provide an artist and production fee. 

How to apply?

If you want to be part of our project, we ask you to send in the following information before the 19th of October to

  • A short bio where we get to know who you are and what kind of art you make

  • A link to your portfolio, website or instagram

  • A written motivation (max 1 page) where you describe why you want to be a part of this project and what do you want to achieve with participating, give more info about your existing work and thoughts about how you would connect it to the theme and space and if you see any opportunities to link your art with the art of others or have any ideas about public mediation

  • Since it’s also important to think about logistics, we would also like for you to add if you are able to find a way to transport your artwork to the Wintercircus in Ghent yourself

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 

After the 22nd of October we will contact you with further information. 

Share your ideas and let them be wild & wonderful.